Hej, welcome. I’m Nico.
I’m a Designer for social and sustainable communication and transformation.
Currently, I am pursuing my studies in »Communication in Social and Economic Contexts«, where my research focuses on climate communication, social transformation and resilience through design. This is happening at Klasse Klima and partially AG Klima.
In addition to my studies, I serve as a coordinator and organiser for the research group Transformative Spaces and Mindsets (TranS-Mind) at the Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam. Here we design and research transformative spaces and communication processes that foster effective collaboration between scientific and non-scientific actors for the common good.
Prior to this, I gained experience as a Graphic and Interface Designer at sinnwerkstatt Medienagentur GmbH and worked as a Communication Design Intern at Fairphone. I have also been involved with organisations such as Thinkfarm Berlin and Viva con Agua Berlin.
My interests encompass a wide range of subjects, including design, sustainability, social and organisational processes, future research, NGO work, chess, and fairer electronics. Additionally, I occasionally sing with the Berliner Kneipenchor.
If you’re looking for someone one to help you with some of the things above, or you’re just up for a chat, feel free to text me anytime. I’d be delighted.
Berlin 2023